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Chestnut Pool Fishery

Address: Chestnut Pool Fisheries, Church Street, Langford, Near Biggleswade, Bedforshire SG18 9QT

Telephone: 01446 - 775474


Chestnut, as it has become affectionately known is an outstanding mixed fishery which offers 1 st class sport for all anglers from beginners to expert. Regularly featured in the angling press and listed in the Angling Times top 50 day ticket venues in the UK.


The lake of 3 acres has a large stock but is no means just carp water. If you wish to target carp we have fish from singles to upper twenties, or if you fancy something different our famous golden tench are stunning and are often caught from the margins along with big road, rudd, perch, bream and crucians. Chestnut Pool regularly attracts the big names in the sport.

The fishery is open 7 days a week, from March to November from 7am till dusk or 21.00 hours which ever is earliest and during December to March 7.30 am till dusk

Every Tuesday until the 31 July the lake closes at 4.30 to hold our  Fox Summer League matches.

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