Catch more fish shop

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Evesham Vale Fishery

Address: Bishampton Lane, Rous Lench, near Evesham, Worcestershire

Telephone: 07809 222834


Evesham Vale is a mature 11 acre lake with 30 swims providing good space and privacy for anglers. There are in excess of 1000 Carp ranging from low doubles to high twenties, making this an incredible runs water.


The lake is around 4 - 7 foot in depth and has a uniform sandy bottom. The swims, some of which are doubles, are well-spaced, with the trees and shrubs surrounding them providing good cover which creates a wild but well managed environment in which to enjoy your fishing.

Number of rods allowed are 2 rods per angler except during the winter months (1st November to 31st March) when up to 3 rods per angler are permitted during the week (Monday to Friday only).

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